Commercial Lines – Reality Supplemental FormEmet Digital2019-01-02T11:57:49-08:00 Get started by filling out this form and someone from our team will contact you shortly! Commercial - Reality Supplemental Form Name of applicant* First Last Who is financing the production?* If a major network or studio is financing and/or distributing, are they providing any of the following services to the applicant:* Risk management Clearance Creative control Please describe how you developed the format. Did any other party have any input into the development?*What are your unsolicited submission procedures? Please give full details.*Does anyone else have a controlling interest in this production beside you (financial or creative control)?* Yes No Are the contestants/cast member participants informed of the show’s concept/format prior to signing their release?* Yes No Will you videotape the contestants/cast member participants being informed of the show’s concept/format?* Yes No If Yes, do you follow up with a signed release as well? Yes No Will any contestants/cast member participants be filmed prior to signing a release?* Yes No If yes, please describe the circumstances:Will you blur their faces? Yes No Are the contestants/ cast member participants subject to background/ psychiatric checks?* Yes No Will there be any hidden cameras?* Yes No Will there be any type of pranks, hoaxes, or practical jokes in the show’s format? Yes No If Yes, please explain and include the tone of the prank/practical jokes:Will children (under the age of 18 years) be participating in the program?* Yes No If Yes, in what capacity? Please describe their participation:How are releases of temporary participants (e.g. people in the bar, on the beach, in the jail, etc.) obtained? How does it differ from the methods used for contestants/cast member participants? Please describe:*How are releases of persons under the influence handled? Please describe:*Is there a production bible that has all release handling procedures in writing?* Yes No If Yes, is the production crew trained and instructed to follow these procedures? Yes No PhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.